
4711 Floral Collection Lilac Gift Set By 4711 Set

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4711 Floral Collection Lilac Perfume by 4711, Pairing up with perfumer alexandra kalle, the 4711 perfume house captures the spirit of spring in 4711 floral collection lilac. Launched in 2019, this floral woody musk unisex fragrance starts with creamy, sweet and invigorating notes of freesia, peach and bergamot. Powdery soft lilac takes center stage in the heart alongside fragrant rose and narcotic jasmine.

4711 Floral Collection Lilac Perfume by 4711, Pairing up with perfumer alexandra kalle, the 4711 perfume house captures the spirit of spring in 4711 floral collection lilac. Launched in 2019, this floral woody musk unisex fragrance starts with creamy, sweet and invigorating notes of freesia, peach and bergamot. Powdery soft lilac takes center stage in the heart alongside fragrant rose and narcotic jasmine.

4711 Koleksi Floral Lilac Perfume oleh 4711, berpasangan dengan perfumer Alexandra Kalle, Rumah Perfume 4711 menangkap semangat Spring dalam 4711 Floral Collection Lilac. Dilancarkan pada tahun 2019, aroma Floral Woody Waths Unisex bermula dengan nota berkrim, manis dan menyegarkan Freesia, Peach dan Bergamot. Powdery Soft Lilac mengambil peringkat tengah di dalam hati bersama dengan harum meningkat dan jasmine narkotik.

4711 Collection Floral Collection Lilas Parfum de 4711, associŽ au parfumeur Alexandra Kalle, la maison de parfum 4711 capture l’esprit du printemps en 4711 collection florale Lilas. LancŽ en 2019, ce parfum unisexe de musc boisŽ floral commence avec des notes crŽmeuses, sucrŽes et vivifiantes de freesia, de pche et de bergamote. Le lilas doux poudreux prend une scne centrale dans le cÏur aux c™tŽs de la rose parfumŽe et du jasmin narcotique.

4711 Colecci—n floral Perfume lila por 4711, emparejamiento con Perfumer Alexandra Kalle, la Casa de Perfumes 4711 Captura el Esp’ritu de Primavera en 4711 Colecci—n Floral Lilac. Lanzado en 2019, esta fragancia unisex floral amaderada se inicia con notas cremosas, dulces y vigorizantes de fresia, melocot—n y bergamota. La lila suave en polvo lleva el escenario central en el coraz—n junto a la rosa fragante y el jazm’n narc—tico.

Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured By


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